I made this website because I'm a lonely guy, I don't have many friends and I have a lot on my mind, so I'll express myself freely in this page.

I'm from Latin America, so my mother language is spanish. I learned english while watchin T.V. shows, listening to music and playing videogames.

Now that we're touching the topic about videogames and music, I'm gonna say that I'm a huge fan of retro games, I mostly play those types of games, my mind craves them.

My taste in music varies A LOT. I mostly listen to Latin American music, so if you're interested on getting to know new music that is in spanish, I'm your guy!

I get easily distracted and can't be consistent with anything. I've tried writing a diary, but I abandoned it. So I'll try to post here often. (A personal goal of mine).

As I said before I have A LOT going on in my mind. I get obsessed with lots of stuff and have nobody to talk about it with. So this is going to be the place where I can dump all of it, look back on it and be like: "Was I really obsessed about this?".

I'll try to update frequently, so you can get to know what is inside this strangers mind!

Why "Filthy Room"?

Glad you asked! (no one asked... yet!).

I'm a really disorganized person. If I make a to do list, I forget about it.

There's lots of clean clothes on top of the chair that I use for my computer. I have a table with all sorts of random stuff on it. So yeah, it's messy, or, as my grandma would say: "filthy" (but in spanish).